Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection
- Auditorium, Cleanup Feature [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Austrian Family [Unpublished]
- Photo caption from published photo: "STRANGE TONGUE - An interview through an interpreter leaves Joseph (left) and Francis Haubrich somewhat bewildered. Mrs. Joseph Haubrich and daughter, Margaret, discuss an answer. The family settled in Kitchener only recently, coming from Yugoslavia.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo from this envelope appeared in the Monday November 23, 1953 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "New Canuck Family Finding Life Tough.", Published negative is missing from envelope. See 53-4373_002 for closest version.
- Austrian Family [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Baby Winners Labour Day [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photos from this envelope appeared on Page 3 of the Tuesday, September 2, 1947 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Blonde Waterloo Girl Baby Show Winner.", Photo caption accompanying published photos: "BABY SHOW WINNERS - At the Labor Day baby show yesterday in Victoria Park, Maureen Ann, left [missing from envelope, no suitable substitute], daughter of Mrs. Alan Tierney, 194 King St. North, Waterloo, took top honors. Runners up, shown at right [see 47-428_001 for closest version], left to right, are Mrs. Louis Hallman, 124 Church St., with Carol Ann, second, Mrs. Murray Welsh, 133 Church St., with John Thomas, third, and Mrs. Max Cohen, 2 1/2 Duke St. East., with Brydon, fourth."
- Badminton, International Champs [Unpublished]
- Photo caption from published photo: "COURT CUTIES - Brightening activities at the K-W Granite annual international invitation badminton tournament are (left to right) Aveleigh Hepworth, Woodstock; Jean Coyne, Detroit, and Audrey Rhodes, Stratford.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo from this envelope appeared on Page 20 of the Wednesday, March 3, 1964 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "All Home Players Eliminated In Badminton Singles Events.", Published negative is missing from envelope. See 53-4386_001 for closest version.
- Ballantyne, Bob, Atwood [Published]
- Photo caption from published photo: "Robert Ballantyne.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo appeared in the Saturday, March 6, 1954 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Promising Ayrshire Year Likely."
- Ballet Director [Published]
- Photo caption from published photo: "LUNCHEON GUESTS - Miss Helen Jacob, Kitchener, entertained at luncheon yesterday for (left to right) Miss Nellie Potts, examiner in ballet from the Royal Academy of Dancing, London, England, Miss Gweneth Lloyd, director of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, and Miss Clarine Scriver, Kitchener pianist.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo appeared in the Tuesday, March 2, 1954 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Twin City Students Tested by English Ballet Experts."