Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection


Wrestling, YMCA [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Yates, Thomas [Published]
Photo caption from published, cropped version 54-6758_001: "NINETY TODAY - Thomas Yates, Preston, is seen opening cards, telegrams and letters congratulating him on reaching his 90th birthday today.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo appeared in the Friday, January 8, 1954 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Thomas Yates Is Celebrating 90th Birthday."
YMCA Polio Swimmers [Published]
Photo caption from published version of 54-6763_001: "FLOATING - With assistance, two girls try floating on their backs in the shallow end of the pool. An inner tube (background) is also useful in treatment.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 54-6763_001, 54-6763_003 and a photo missing from envelope appeared in the Tuesday, March 23, 1954 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Polio Victims Paddle, Splash Back to Health."
YMCA Polio Swimmers [Published]
Photo caption from published version of 54-6763_003: "WORK LEGS - Patients hang on to the edge of the pool while assistants help to move their legs in an effort to overcome the paralysis. Instructors are (left to right) Miss Ann Marie Kerber, Edward Lescom, Fred Roger and Allan Menzies.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 54-6763_001, 54-6763_003 and a photo missing from envelope appeared in the Tuesday, March 23, 1954 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Polio Victims Paddle, Splash Back to Health."
YMCA Polio Swimmers [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
YMCA Swim Champs [Published]
Photo caption from published photo: "WIN CUPS - Four swimmers were awarded trophies in the Dick Wellein Memorial Trophy swimming championships last night at the YMCA. Left to right, standing, are Paul Boyd, senior; Dave Shelley, intermediate; (in front) Dale Koch, junior, and Lynn Goldsmith, juvenile.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 53-5450_002 appeared on Page 28 of the Friday, December 11, 1953 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Boyd Takes Swim Meet Senior Honors."
YMCA Swim Champs [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Young Men's Club, Waterloo and Kitchener [Published]
Photo caption that accompanied both photos: "DELIVER HAMPERS - Both Kitchener and Waterloo Young Men's Clubs delivered Christmas hampers to needy families today. Floyd Shantz (left photo) [53-5453_001] of the Kitchener club gets the parcels ready. Harvey Ziegler (above) [see 53-5453_002 for closest version] delivers in Waterloo. Nearly 200 were distributed.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 53-5453_001 and photo missing from envelope appeared on Page 3 of the Thursday, December 24, 1953 edition of the newspaper.
Young Men's Club, Waterloo and Kitchener [Unpublished]
Photo caption that accompanied both photos: "DELIVER HAMPERS - Both Kitchener and Waterloo Young Men's Clubs delivered Christmas hampers to needy families today. Floyd Shantz (left photo) [53-5453_001] of the Kitchener club gets the parcels ready. Harvey Ziegler (above) [see 53-5453_002 for closest version] delivers in Waterloo. Nearly 200 were distributed.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 53-5453_001 and photo missing from envelope appeared on Page 3 of the Thursday, December 24, 1953 edition of the newspaper.
Young, Mrs. Stewart [Published]
Photo caption from published version of 54-6766_001: "RETURNS HOME - Mrs. Ralph Young, and her two sons, Craig, 4, (left) and Gregory, 3, arrived today to visit her mother, Mrs. Marie Kehn, 30 Ahrens St. West, after a two-year stay in Japan.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo appeared in the Monday, January 4, 1954 edition of the newspaper.
YWCA, International Brotherhood Dinner [Published]
Photo caption from published photo: "INTERNATIONAL PARLEY - Involved in conversation at a brotherhood dinner sponsored by the YWCA last night are (left to right) general convener Mrs. Carl Staebler; Sotere Dimangel, Greece; Priscilla Baben, British Guiana; Gurnam S. Kular, India; Julianne Woodley, St. Kitts, British West Indies, and Goke Ajani, Nigeria.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 65-1499_009 appeared on Page 20 of the Monday, March 8, 1965 edition of the newspaper.
YWCA, International Brotherhood Dinner [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
