Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection


Waterloo University, Opening Physics Building [Published]
Photo caption from published photo: "OFFICIAL OPENING - E.W.R. Steacie (right) president of the National Research Council, unveiled the plaque at the University of Waterloo physics and mathematics building yesterday officially opening the $2,500,000 structure. Shown with him are J.G. Hagey (left) president of the university, and Ira G. Needles (centre), chairman of the board of governors. About 400 people were present for the ceremony.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 60-1342_001 appeared in the February [9?], 1960 edition of newspaper.
Waterloo University, Opening Physics Building [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Waterloo University, Opening Physics Building [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Waterloo University, Opening Physics Building [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Waterloo University, Opening Physics Building [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Waterloo University, Phi Delta Pi [Published]
Photo caption from published photo: "CANDLELIGHT CEREMONY - Taking part in the pinning ceremony for freshettes of Waterloo College were (left to right) Mary Currie of Toronto, senior representative; Janice Inglis of Kitchener, freshette; Vicki Groff of Waterloo, senior representative; Betty Lou Ramberg of Kenora, Peggy Nairn of Toronto and Dale Perrin of Waterloo, sorority president. The ceremony took place in the dining hall.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo appeared in the October [30?], 1959 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Waterloo Freshettes Pinned."
Waterloo University, Presentation to Hagey of Painting [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Waterloo University, Presentation to Hagey of Painting [Unpublished]
Photo caption from published photo: "PRESENT PAINTING - J.G. Hagey (left), president of the University of Waterloo, was honored last night by members of the university and staff for his work in establishing the university. Dr. T.L. Batke (right) made the presentation. The painting will hang in the president's office.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Published negative is missing from envelope. See 59-13586_002 for closest version.
Waterloo University, Presentation to Hagey of Painting [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo from this envelope appeared in the November [24?], 1959 edition of the newspaper.
Waterloo University, Presentation to Hagey of Painting [Unpublished]
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
Waterloo University, Presidents of University of Waterloo, Waterloo College, St. Jerome's [Published]
Photo caption from published photo: "RECORD ENROLMENT - Presidents of the three institutes of higher learning in Kitchener and Waterloo are shown at the University of Waterloo discussing registration. More than 1,500 students are expected to enroll here this fall. Shown are (left to right) J.G. Hagey, president of the University of Waterloo; Rev. C.L. Siegfried, president of St. Jerome's College; and H.M. Axford, newly appointed president of Waterloo College. Lectures began Monday at St. Jerome's. Registration at Waterloo College and the university begins next week.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo appeared on Page 3 of the Wednesday, September 16, 1959 edition of the newspaper. See clipping in File 1959-1 in University of Waterloo Archives Vertical files collection.
Waterloo University, Protest Parade Apartheid in South Africa [Published]
Photo caption from published photo: "PROTEST PARADE - More than 200 Waterloo College students marched along King street yesterday to the Kitchener City Hall. The demonstration was a protest of the South African treatment of Negroes. T[he?] group is shown presenting their protest to Ma[yor ] Wambold at the City Hall.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 60-1344_015 appeared in the April [4?], 1960 edition of newspaper as part of the article: "Student Paraders Forget Petition".
