Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 47-419_001 and photo missing from envelope appeared on Page 3 of the Thursday, July 24, 1947 as part of the article: "Aviation Jobs Don't Appeal To Top Cadets.", Photo caption accompanying published photos: "LEARN TO FLY - Five air cadets are currently taking an aviation course at the K-W Flying Club. In top photo [47-419_001] Bob Colvin of Preston, left, and Ronald Lawrence of London are receiving "pointers" from Instructor Ken Parr, right. Lower photo [missing from envelope, no suitable substitute] shows three cadets running to the plane. Left to right are Fred Hoffman of Preston; Neil Corbett of Guelph and Thomas Jackson of Harriston."
- Photo caption from published photo: "SAFEST SPOT - These youngsters, who look like followers of some mystic Asiatic cult, are pupils at Queen Elizabeth School being taught what to do in possible air raids. The 231 students can take positions in 25 seconds.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 53-4346_003 appeared on Page 3 of the Wednesday, December 23, 1953 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "What to Do in Air Raids Taught Pupils."
- Photo caption from published version of 53-4347_001: "Flt. Sgt. Donald Street adjusts a new air camera manufactured in Switzerland. Pictures taken with this camera from 3,000 and 9,000 feet up even show street manholes and fire hydrants. The camera is worth $14,000.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 53-4347_001 and 53-4347_002 appeared on Page 15 of the Saturday, April 25, 1953 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Twin Cities Guinea Pig for Air Photo."
- Photo caption from published version of 53-4347_002: "MAKE AIR SURVEY - This RCAF crew is surveying the Twin Cities in a town planning experiment of the National Research Council. Left to right, front row: Flt. Lt. F.C. Fisher, Flt. Lt. K.O. Mitchell, Flt. Lt. D.R. Deward, Harvey Hall, city surveyor, Stanley Shup, city engineer; (back) Cpl. Harold Rogers, Flt. Sgt. Donald Street, Cpl. A.L. Metson.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 53-4347_001 and 53-4347_002 appeared on Page 15 of the Saturday, April 25, 1953 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Twin Cities Guinea Pig for Air Photo."
- Photo caption from published photo: "Pte. Andrew Alischer.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Photo from this envelope appeared on Page 3 of the Wednesday, November 25, 1953 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "K-W Soldier Was Close to Iron Curtain.", Published negative is missing from envelope. See 53-4349_001 for closest version.
- Photo caption from published photo: "Dr. Santokh Singh Anant arrives after delay, Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 64-94_001 appeared in the October 19, 1964 edition of the newspaper. See "School Psychologist Arrives From India" clipping in File 1964-3 in University of Waterloo Archives Vertical files collection.