Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection
- Waterloo University, Protest Parade Apartheid in South Africa [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., Kitchener business Eaton's, formerly located at 276 King Street West, and the Biltmore, formerly located at 312 King Street West, are visible at right in background.
- Waterloo University, Protest Parade Apartheid in South Africa [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Waterloo University, Registration [Published]
- Photo caption from published photo: "WATERLOO REGISTRATION - Students who enrolled yesterday for classes at Waterloo College battled with program schedules as they prepared for the year's study. Ninety-five Kitchener-Waterloo students enrolled yesterday and out-of-town students registered today. With college and university enrollment expected to soar well over 1,000, another 100 to 150 rooms in Twin City homes are needed. Any wishing to rent accommodations are asked to telephone 4-8141 days and 2-1169 evenings.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 59-13588_002 appeared in the September 23, 1959 edition of newspaper.
- Waterloo University, Registration [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Waterloo University, Tour, Doctors' Wives [Published]
- Photo caption from published photo: "ON UNIVERSITY TOUR - Wives of doctors attending the College of General Practice clinic yesterday were entertained by Twin City women and toured the University of Waterloo. Studying a student's experiment in the physics building is Mrs. H.M. Taylor of Tavistock. Waiting their turns are (left to right) Mrs. K.G. Stewart, Mrs. P. A. Voelker and Mrs. P.J. Sharkey of Kitchener; Mrs. M.E. Hobbs of Millbrook, Mrs. Earl Hunt of St. Catharines and Mrs. J.A. Lamont of Hamilton.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 60-1346_004 appeared in the April 7, 1960 edition of newspaper.
- Waterloo University, Tour, Doctors' Wives [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Waterloo University, Tour, Doctors' Wives [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Waterloo University, Tour, Doctors' Wives [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Waterloo University, Women's Auxiliary [Published]
- Photo caption from published photo: "KEY WOMEN CONFER - Executive members and key women of the Women's Auxiliary to Waterloo College and Seminary met yesterday at the college to exchange ideas. Taking notes is Mrs. O.O. Ireland of Stratford, auxiliary president. Standing are (left to right) Mrs. G.W. Becker of Chesley, Mrs. J.S. Gibson of Fort Erie, Mrs. William Seltzer of Tavistock and Mrs. Garfield Raymond of Kitchener.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 60-1347_002 appeared in the March 17, 1960 edition of newspaper.
- Waterloo University, Women's Auxiliary [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.
- Waterworks Pond [Published]
- Photo caption from published photo: "James Hillgartner, 6, points to waterworks pond from which he was rescued yesterday.", Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff., 54-6695_001 appeared in the Friday, March 26, 1954 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Boy Survives Fall Through Ice in Pond.", The pond was located "behind the Bacon Veneer and Lumber Company (Canada) Ltd., 280 Victoria St. South."
- Waterworks Pond [Unpublished]
- Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff.