Breithaupt Hewetson Clark Collection
- Breithaupt Anthes family photographs
- The Breithaupt Anthes family photographs capture the immediate and extended families of John Christian Breithaupt and Carrie Breithaupt. Includes photographs of the family in different locations and participating in various social activities, the family home in Kitchener and their vacation home in Penetanguishene, studio photographs of several members of the family, trips and travels in Canada and Europe, and photographs of later members of the family in different locations. See the Breithaupt Anthes family photographs finding aid for more information.
- Breithaupt family at Georgian Bay and at home
- (0:09-0:18) Scene is set with hills and a large body of water in the background while in the foreground three children play in the sand. (0:19- 0:33) A fourth child wearing a bonnet wobbles into the scene. They are carrying a bonnet that they attempt to place on the head of another child who fusses in response. (0:34-0:48) The eldest child stands up with a drawstring bag in hand. They walk off camera as another child comes into view while watching debris moving in the wind before sitting down in the sand next to the other children. (0:49-0:50) Film cuts and all five children are seen playing at the same beach location – the older three are seated at right and the younger two are standing at left. (0:51-1:09) The eldest children dig in the sand with sticks and their hands while the other children toddle around. (1:10-1:15) Film cuts to a winter scene in a residential neighbourhood with snow covered houses and trees visible in the background. Two adults dressed in fur coats, standing on either side of a child in a stroller while gesturing and smiling at the camera, tend to other children moving about on and off camera. (1:16-1:35) A third adult also dressed in a fur coat and pushing a stroller approaches in the background through a gate and joins the group. (1:36-1:46) Film cuts to a view of the same group from a slightly different angel. The group continues to smile and gesture at the camera while talking amongst themselves. (1:47-2:00) Film cuts to a view of the same group from yet another angel. An infant in a stroller is pushed back and forth as the adults and children stomp around in the snow while smiling to each other and the camera. (2:01-2:05) One of the older children begins picking up and throwing snow. The film jumps momentarily as the camera appears to be hit by snow. (2:06-2:34) Group continues playing with and tossing snow. A child in a sleigh is pulled into view, next to the infant in the stroller. The group poses for the camera and the film ends. (2:35) Screen changes to a black background with a circular icon of a rooster on a podium. It reads “Trade Mark Pathex”. [Description adapted from work completed by Fall 2017 Women's Studies 101 students.]
- Breithaupt family at River Bend and Temiskaming
- (0:09-0:25 seconds) Four individuals dressed for cold weather are standing in front of a snowy cottage. As they disperse a woman in a bowler hat walks off camera to the left. A man in an aviator cap and a young woman in a dark vest unload luggage from the car and head towards the cottage behind them. A smiling woman in a pom pom hat looks ahead and veers off to the right. (0:26-0:35 seconds) The scene changes to a male on skis as he veers to the left. There’s a man in a knit sweater, who is pulling a rope out of a car, and a woman in a long coat who is carrying a camera. She veers off camera to the right. (00:36- 1:04) In a barren wood, an older woman wearing a cloche hat offers an older man in a newsboy cap a spoon full of a substance, possibly maple syrup. An older woman enters the frame from the left and joins them. The man has a taste and gives a curt shrug. The woman to his left eagerly reaches out for the spoon. With a nod she backs up and makes way for the woman on her left. This spectacled woman, bows down and has a helping. The spoon baring woman offers her another helping, she shakes her head but then accepts the offer. The spoon baring woman gives herself a final taste. (1:05 - 1:10) The scene changes to the woman in glasses. She is standing in a wooded area. She walks a few paces to the left. She looks down and then looks straight ahead. [Description adapted from work completed by Fall 2017 Women's Studies 101 students.]
- Breithaupt family in Florida
- (00:03) Three children are playing in the water at the beach. One boy, two girls. All have cropped hair. (00:04) The young boy wades further into the water as both of the girls splash around. (00:10) A group of adults and one small child stand on the beach. They watch the children play. (00:13) Two of the adults, a man dressed in a dark suit and a woman in a white dress, walk along the beach. (00:19) Five children are splashing around in the water. (00:21) A girl with a swimming cap on her head swims and smiles. (00:24) A child walks into the water from the beach. (00:33) The group of children walk around in the shallow tide. They begin splashing each other. (00:40) The girl with the swimming cap waves beside another child. (00:47) As the children frolic in the waves, the adults on the beach walk around. (00:55) A young boy looks up and comes toward the camera. (01:01) An woman and two children are in the water. She picks up the youngest child. (01:07) The screen changes to a black background with a circular icon of a rooster on a podium. “Trade Mark Pathex”. [Description adapted from work completed by Fall 2017 Women's Studies 101 students.]
- Japanese photographs
- Consists of 48 photographs of daily Japanese life likely taken between 1910 and 1920 including farm work, the selling of goods, and ceremonial activities and dress. The photographs may represent a mass-produced set purchased by Martha Edna Breithaupt while attending the World Sunday School Conference in Osaka, Japan in October of 1920.
- Public health education in China lecture slides
- Consists of 44 lantern slides that may have been used as part of a health campaign in China under the direction of a missionary association, most likely the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) or China Medical Missionary Association (CMMA), the Joint Council or the Council on Health Education. Martha Edna Breithaupt worked in the public health field in China during the 1920s. She likely collected these lantern slides during this period in her life.