Harry Byers fonds


Harry Byers outside a cabin on the deck of a ship.
Snapshot of Harry Byers standing outside a cabin on the deck of a ship., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers shaking hands with [Fred Byers?].
Snapshot of Harry Byers (at left) shaking hands with [Fred Byers?] on a bridge, with water behind them., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers sitting outdoors on a staircase.
Snapshot of Harry Byers sitting on a set of outdoor stairs., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers sitting outdoors on a staircase.
Snapshot of Harry Byers sitting on a set of outdoor stairs., Title based on contents of photo., Duplicate of GA160-14_073.
Harry Byers standing beside an automobile with 2 unidentified men inside it.
Snapshot of Harry Byers standing beside an automobile with 2 unidentified men inside., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers standing by a blossoming tree in a backyard.
Snapshot of Harry Byers standing by a blossoming tree in a backyard, with a fence behind him., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers standing by a tree.
Snapshot of Harry Byers wearing a suit and hat, standing beside a tree., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers standing by a tree.
Snapshot of Harry Byers wearing a suit and holding his hat, standing beside a tree., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers standing in a garden.
Snapshot of Harry Byers standing in a garden, with a tree, shrubbery, and a lamp post behind him., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers standing in a garden.
Snapshot of Harry Byers standing in a garden., Title based on contents of photo.
Harry Byers standing in a yard.
Snapshot of Harry Byers in a backyard with a fence behind him., Title based on contents of photo.
