Photo caption that accompanying photos: "THIS IS HOCKEY? - Biggest rhubarb of recent Twin City hockey history blew up in the first period of last night's Stratford-Dutchmen senior OHA semi-final here. These three pictures are sequence shots of the main events. On the left [missing from envelope, no suitable substitute] referee Hugh McLean of Hamilton rushes up to part the original contestants, Jack McKenzie (arm to left of McLean's head) and Stratford's Fred Pletsch. The man with with the helmet is Mike Delich. No 4. is Howie Lee of the Dutchmen who looks on with Don Peart (6) of Indians. Herve DeJordy is between them at the back. In the centre shot [54-6028_004] McLean sorts out the original battlers while a new scrap breaks out with barefisted George Aitken (14) of Stratford attacking Clare Martin (6) of the Dutchmen. Goalie Bruce Dale (1) looks a bit concerned. Lee and Peart continue to be gentlemen. In the third picture [54-6028_001] Aitken has Martin down and is pummelling him. Referee McLean skates over to the new trouble centre. Lee and Peart are starting to waltz while Don Bauer (16) of the Dutchmen has joined the other anxious onlookers. There were 30 penalties in all."