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Photo caption from published photo: "TAKE FIRST MONEY - Top prize-winners in the annual Dowler-sponsored bonspiel held yesterday at the Granite Curling Club were (left to right) Pete Simson, Ralph Schwoob, skip, Jake Rahn and Oscar Sass."
Curling, Dowler Day Trophy [Unpublished]
Image of Pete Simson, Ralph Schwoob, skip, Jake Rahn and Oscar Sass smiling while holding and trying on Dowler Day Bonspiel Winners jackets.
Title supplied by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff. Photo from this envelope appeared in the Thursday, January 14, 1954 edition of the newspaper as part of the article: "Schwoob's Rink Wins Dowler's Bonspiel." Published negative is missing from envelope. See 54-5779_001 for closest version.
Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection
1 photograph : b&w copy negative ; 8 x 10 cm
North America
Waterloo (Ont. : Regional municipality)
Waterloo (Ont.)
Public Domain
University of Waterloo Library. Special Collections & Archives. Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection. Curling, Dowler Day Trophy [Unpublished]. 54-5779_001.