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(1 - 14 of 14)
Anthes, Emmie with Lillian Daniels and Norman C. Schneider.
Christmas card from Norman C. Schneider, M.P.
Gofton, Alf with Charlotte Braun and the Schneiders
Gofton, Alf with Charlotte Braun and the Schneiders
Gofton, Alfred and Norm Schneider
Liberal Association Officers [Unpublished]
Olympic Games, Berlin : en route
Schneider, Norman C.
Schneider, Norman C.
Schneider, Norman C. and Fred with Carl Ahrens.
Schneider, Norman C. with Walter Zeller and Alf Gofton
Shorewood Cottage, Honey Harbour, Ont.
Waterloo Entertains Kitchener Council [Unpublished]
Welcome home dinner for  ex-service personnel speech