Search results

WDL Advanced Search

(1 - 20 of 3,857)


#01: Report on Birth Control Activities and Procedure
#02: Birth control methods
#02: Birth control notes
#05: General information on sterilization
#05: Planned parenthood progress in Canada
#06: Contraceptive price lists for doctors
#06: Contraceptive price lists for doctors
#07: Sterilization notes
#07: [Vasectomy follow-up form]
#07A: [Vasectomy follow-up form]
#10: Vasectomy : sterilization of the male
#11: [Consent for vasectomy form]
#11A: Request and consent forms (male and female)
#11B: Request and cosent forms (male and female)
#11C: Request and consent forms (male and female)
#11D: Request and cosent forms (male and female)
#11E: Request and consent forms (male and female)
