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(1 - 20 of 33)


? in Kruger Park
[Alexander Matthew? standing next to large tree]
Cape Town
Dassy's Krantz, Grahamstown
Erosion in the great Karoo
[Giraffe in grassland]
[Giraffe in tree filled bush]
[Giraffe in tree filled bush]
[Giraffe in tree filled bush]
[Giraffe walking in grassland]
[Giraffes in fenced enclosure]
[Giraffes in fenced enclosure]
Good Giraffe Notes 1
Good Giraffe Notes 2
Inside of old native kraal made of agave
Native reserve near Peddie
Notes 1956/1957
Parkland giraffe Fleur de Lys
Quebec zoo antilocapra
