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Baseball, 1920's : Kaufman Rubber Co. baseball team
Baseball, 1920's : Twin City soft ball champions, 1921
Baseball, 1940's : Kaufman Rubber Co. girls' softball team
Display booth
Hockey, 1930's : Kaufman Rubber Co. hockey team.
Hockey, 1930's : Kaufman Rubber Co. Industrial 'Y' Hockey Champions, 1934-1935
Hockey, 1930's : Kaufman Rubber Co. Industrial "Y" Senior Champions, 1935-1936
Hockey, 1930's : Kaufman Rubber Co. Industrial "Y" Senior Champions, 1936-1937.
Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited : employees.
Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited : office staff
Kaufman Rubber Co., Limited : office staff.
Life-Buoy tennis and outing shoes for season 1911, No. 2.
Mr. A.R. Kaufman : President and General Manager
Outings : Harold Current and Jake Howard