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(61 - 80 of 95)


Seated woman spinning
Seated women playing cards
Seated young girl looking at Girls' Doll Day figurines
Shinto priest standing outside of a shrine
Smiling clam digger standing in water
Smiling farm wife carrying a heavy load
Smiling fish seller
Smiling flower seller with child
Smiling girl holding a hagoita
Smiling seller carrying a load of tofu
Smiling women gathering hay in a field
Smiling women gathering tea leaves in a field
Swasey Hall at Sun Yat-sen University in Canton [Guangzhou], China [Transparent]
Temple for the worship of imperial ancestors in China [Transparent]
Tuberculosis bell [Transparent]
Two children at a picnic
Two men dressed for rain gesturing at one another
Two people on either side of an old pine tree
Two women formally sharing a meal for one
Unidentified group standing next to car with dogs seated inside
