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(41 - 60 of 503)


Garden Winner (McIntyre) [Published]
Garden Winner (McIntyre) [Unpublished]
Goodrich, B.F., Centennial Gift (Books) [Published]
Goodrich, B.F., Centennial Gift (Books) [Unpublished]
Graf, Gertie [Published]
Hockey, Bauer, Boehmer [Unpublished]
Hockey, Waterloo Juvenile [Published]
Hogg, Dr. Helen at University of Waterloo [Published]
Hogg, Dr. Helen at University of Waterloo [Unpublished]
Holy Saviour Junior Quilters [Published]
Horses Seagram, Chris [Published]
Inter-City Truck Strike [Published]
Inter-City Truck Strike [Unpublished]
Lady of Lourdes Rectory [Published]
Library Convention, Education Minister Davis [Unpublished]
Mayor Bauer and Family [Unpublished]
Mennonite Tombstone [Published]
Montgomery, Dr. Frances, University of Waterloo [Published]
Montgomery, Dr. Frances, University of Waterloo [Published]
Montgomery, Dr. Frances, University of Waterloo [Unpublished]
